
How Does an Occupational Therapist Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes joint pain, fatigue and muscle weakness. Occupational therapists are medical professionals who provide practical support to individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis (RA). An occupational therapist helps people with rheumatoid arthritis manage their day-to-day life. How Does an Occupational Therapist Help Someone With Rheumatoid Arthritis? The goal…


Who Can Benefit From Reading Intervention?

Even a child with above-average intelligence can struggle with reading. The main reason a child experiences difficulty with reading and spelling is weak phonological awareness. The best approach for improving a child’s word recognition and decoding skills is direct instruction. Who Can Benefit From Reading Intervention? Many parents are unsure when to seek assistance for…


What Is Dysgraphia?

People of all ages can have dysgraphia. Dysgraphia is a specific learning disorder that is related to written expression. This neurological disorder causes an individual’s writing to be inaccurate or appear distorted. Problems that people with dysgraphia experience can range from issues with the organization of words and the inability to express themselves in written…


What are the signs of Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)?

When parents notice their child has reached his or her first birthday and has yet to talk, they may think this delay is simply due to a slowdown in speaking processes. However, there could be an underlying issue responsible for postponing his or her ability to speak. This pause may be due to a disorder…


What is Late Language Emergence (LLE)?

New parents may find it difficult to resist comparing the development of their child to that of his or her peers. However, comparisons such as these are of no use because communication developmental milestones are met at different times. Additionally, parents need to know that a delay in speaking does not necessarily indicate that their…


When Does a Child Need a Pediatric Feeding Therapist?

Since pediatric feeding issues can be complex, parents who have a child experiencing difficulty in this area should seek assistance from an experienced pediatric feeding therapist right away. Pediatric Feeding Therapists Treat Children With Eating Disturbances A feeding therapist is essentially an investigator looking to get to the root of a child’s eating problem. The first thing…